Wing Walking Challenge

Experience the ultimate adrenaline rush


Various Dates


Gloucestershire and Kent, UK

Working alongside the Gloucestershire and Kent aerodromes, we are able to offer this amazing challenge for you to experience the thrill of a wing walking ride from these private aerodromes.

Upon arrival, you’ll be welcomed by the team before being briefed ready for your flight. Then it’ll be time to get strapped in ready for your flight. Before you know it, you’ll have taken to the skies for your unforgettable wing walk. Brace yourself as your pilot goes through the motions with a series of climbs, banks and dives.

Join #TeamMND

There are two ways you can join #TeamMND. Register for a fundraising place or choose self funding via the event organiser's website and then let us know you're taking part!


Available dates: Please check the event organiser's website for availability


Registration fee (non-refundable): £50

Minimum sponsorship target: £1000 (Kent), £800 (Gloucestershire)

Self Funding

Registration Fee: £50 + £450 (Kent). £50 + £400 (Gloucestershire)

Raise as much as you can!

Behind shot of a #TeamMND wing walker before their chalenge

When you join #TeamMND, you'll receive:

  • A free #TeamMND tshirt 
  • A fundraising pack with everything you need to get started
  • Regular emails with support, updates and fundraising tips
  • A feeling of awesomeness knowing you've helped in the fight against MND 

Get Inspired

The difference you could make

"The best bit about the challenge was the feeling of pure adrenaline. But also knowing that I was doing it for an incredibly important cause." 

#TeamMND Wing Walker 2022

Fundraising Tips

a Wing Walking challenge in action


I have a question about joining #TeamMND, who do I contact?

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If you have any questions about this event, or would like more information, please contact the Fundraising Team.

Is there a weight limit for the Wing Walk?

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Yes. The maximum weight limit for the for Gloucestershire airfield is 14 stone. The ,aximum weight limit for Kent aerodrome is 13 stone 4lbs (85kg).

Where can I find more information about the event?

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You can keep up to date with event information on the Brighton Marathon website. 

Can I take part if i'm under 18?

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Wing Walkers must be between 18 and 65 years old (Doctors letter/note required on the day to confirm fitness for 65 years plus).

I'm no longer able to take part in the event, what shall I do?

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Please get in touch with our Fundraising Team on 01604 611860 or email to discuss your options.

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