For some, knowing there is a clear cause of their symptoms can come as a relief. For others, the diagnosis is like a thunderbolt.

Whatever reaction you have is completely normal and a whole range of advice, support and information is available. Whatever your circumstances, you need not feel alone, your local branch of the MND Association, and the Association itself, are here to help.

You will find information within our branch pages to find out how we can support you and who you should contact.

Try to explore available statutory services as soon as possible after diagnosis. This will help you to maintain the best possible quality of life.

We also encourage everyone newly diagnosed to contact MND Connect, the MND Association helpline. They can help assess your support needs.

We also suggest you visit the Newly Diagnosed? area of the MND Association website, which helps you work through answers you might have at this time.

The About MND and Support and information areas of the MND Association website also help you:

  • find out about the disease;
  • manage the disease after diagnosis;
  • find out about treatment and care;
  • find out about the progression of the disease;
  • find out if the disease is inherited;
  • find out what services the Association provides;
  • download fact sheets, information packs and guides, such as Living with MND Guide; and
  • read personal experiences of others living with MND;


The online Forum is a place to talk to other people affected by MND.

If you are a carer, you will need support too:

Ask MND Connect to send you a copy of 'Caring and MND: support for you'.
Visit the excellent section Carers – looking after you.
Think about coming to the Branch’s Monthly Carer Support meetings.