Association Visitors (AVs) perform a vital role in supporting people affected by motor neurone disease – both those with the disease and those close to them.
All our Visitors are volunteers who have been carefully selected and have undergone a thorough training programme. Our Visitors are based in the local community as members of a team and usually have contact with people over the phone, via e-mail or will visit them in their own home.
It's so comforting to know the Association visitor is always at the end of a line to give support, advice, encouragement and friendship at this time when we need it the most.
Following a diagnosis of MND it can sometimes be difficult for people to know where to turn. The Association visitor can give you the opportunity to talk about your feelings and let you know what help is available in your area. This can help to reduce the sense of isolation some people affected by the disease can experience.
What you can expect from your visitor
- free and confidential emotional support for as long as it is required
- practical advice and accurate information that is tailored to meet your individual needs and at a time when you request it
- knowledge of the affects of the disease and how the Association can help
- information about other sources of help
- liaison on your behalf with the Area Support Co-ordinator (ASC) and the local branch or group
- awareness of and help to meet the changing needs of you and your family
- help for you and your carer(s) to identify problems as they arise and discuss with you your choices for how they might be managed
- follow up and support requests made by the ASC for help from the statutory/voluntary agencies or MND Association National Office
- acceptance and respect of your choices and wishes
Getting in touch with an Association visitor
We do not have visitors in every area of the country, but if you would like to be supported by an Association visitor (AV) please contact our information and support team, MND Connect who will see if we have an AV in your area.
If a visitor is not available we can offer on-going support and help through regular contact with MND Connect and in other ways. Please see support in your area.