A group of professionals at a training event

Here is a comprehensive list of the education events and opportunities that will support your continuous professional development - from webinars to conferences.

Click on a drop down to get more information about a particular event and as well as how to book or take part.

Please contact us at [email protected] if you have any queries about our education offering for health and social care professionals.

The Annual Stephen Hawking MND Lecture 2024

Motor neurone disease – the importance of psychological care 
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) – a proven intervention that supports quality of life

Date: Tuesday 12 November 2024
Time: 6pm – 8pm
Location: Online 

Aim: The Annual Stephen Hawking MND Lecture aims to bring current research and thinking to members of the multidisciplinary team and demonstrate how this might feed into their practice.


  • to examine the need for psychological support in people living with MND
  • to provide a brief overview of psychological therapies for people living with MND
  • to introduce and explore the relevant recommendations relating to psychological support within NICE Guideline NG42
  • to outline the results of the groundbreaking COMMEND research study into Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), a form of psychological therapy, for people living with MND
  • to examine what ACT is
  • to explore how ACT principles might be applied in AHP practice.

By the end of the lecture attendees will have:

  • a better understanding of the importance of psychological support for people living with MND
  • been introduced to the principles of ACT and its particular relevance to people living with MND
  • an increased awareness of how ACT principles can be applied to their own practice.

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Community of Practice Annual Network Event

These events are exclusively for members of the MND Professionals' Community of Practice, a peer led group of health and social care professionals encouraging and supporting the development of good care for people living with, or affected by, MND. 

Annual Networking Event - 9 October 2024 (Birmingham)

What Matters Most? 

Optimising quality of life for people living with MND, individual priorities and effective, person-centred care.

Date: 9 October 2024
Time: 9am – 4:30pm  (registration and coffee from 8:30am)
Cost: £35 until end of August (using discount code EARLYBIRD), £50 thereafter (View Events Cancellation Policy)

The Community of Practice Annual Networking Event, taking place on 9 October from 9am to 4:30pm at the National Conference Centre, Birmingham is your opportunity to connect and collaborate with colleagues from across the UK.

This year we will be looking at caring for people living with MND through the lens of risk taking and maximising quality of life. Our keynote speaker, Professor Eneida Mioshi will kick the day off with an insightful presentation ‘Behavioural symptoms triangulated: perspectives from the family, the view of healthcare professionals, and the evidence from the research literature.’

This will be followed by a presentation on mental capacity in the context of MND. You will then split into groups and move through four stimulating sessions to consider the implications for quality of life for people living with MND. 

Each session throughout the day will be an opportunity to consider the implications for quality of life in a key area for people living with MND including:

  • eating
  • breathing
  • activities of daily life 
  • communication 
  • relationships.

You will discuss and explore risk and the significant elements health and social care professionals need to bear in mind when supporting people with the critical thinking and decision making needed to ensure that best care takes place, and that quality of life is maximised.
There will be hands on opportunities to learn about:

  • PEG and RIG insertion
  • respiratory equipment
  • orthotics
  • equipment solutions
  • hydrotherapy for people living with MND
  • communication aids.

We will also be joined by many exhibitors.

Places for this event are available at an early bird rate of £35 until then end of August, and £50 after that. Use the code EARLYBIRD when booking to receive the discount.

Please do join us. We are really looking forward to seeing you!

View event brochure

This event is now fully booked. Please email [email protected] to be added to the waiting list.


Exercise and MND - 9 September 2024

Time: 11.00am – 12.30pm

Aim: To explore appropriate exercise for people with MND

By the end of the session, you will have:

  • been introduced to different exercise types and when and why they may be appropriate or people with MND
  • considered the wider benefits of physical activity for people living with MND
  • explored some of the myths around exercise for MND.

View speaker biography

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A focus on tube feeding in MND: current evidence, managing risks and exploring good practice – 26 November 2024

Time: 11.00am – 12.30pm

Aim: To develop increased understanding about the use of tube feeding for people with MND and the implications for provision of person-centred care.


  • to develop understanding of how people with MND can be supported to make informed, patient centred decisions about gastrostomy placement
  • to examine the role of tube feeding in the management of MND and its impact on people living with MND and their caregivers
  • to develop an understanding of the enteral feeding methods and tube care
  • to consider how the MDT can work together to improve outcomes and patient experience.

By the end of the session participants will have:

  • an awareness of how to support people with MND with decision making regarding tube feeding
  • an understanding of the role enteral feeding plays in the nutrition support of people with MND
  • an understanding of the different feeding methods available and how these can be used to meet patient centred goals
  • an appreciation of how the MDT can collaborate to ensure good patient outcomes from the use of tube feeding.

Speaker: Sean White, NIHR Clinical Doctoral research doctoral fellow, Shefield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

View speaker biography

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Information and Knowledge Exchanges

Information and Knowledge Exchange events are exclusively for members of the MND Professionals' Community of Practice, a peer led group of health and social care professionals encouraging and supporting the development of good care for people living with, or affected by, MND.

Information and Knowledge Exchange - 24 September 2024

Time: 11am-1.30pm

Coping with complexity

MND is a complex condition which can present practitioners with real challenge. You told us you wanted to hear about specific patient cases and explore how others have tackled some of the more difficult issues and subjects which can arise. This information and knowledge exchange will give you an opportunity to hear others candidly share examples of demanding cases they have managed.

1: Providing best care whilst respecting family dynamics and cultural considerations

Family dynamics and the person and their family’s cultural beliefs can impact on the interaction you have during visits or interventions. In cases where an interpreter is required this adds an additional complexity to communication. Anthony Hanratty, MND Advanced Nurse Specialist at Middlesbrough MND Care Centre, will use a case from his area to explore the importance of understanding the motivations, expectations and such specific needs of the person living with MND and their family and carers in the provision of effective care.

2: I can’t get my patient home: dealing with issues when discharging people from hospital

In this session Rachael Marsden, MND Nurse Consultant and the Care Centre Coordinator at Oxford MND Care Centre, will reflect on a case in which the patient discharge from hospital was complicated by systemic health care issues and share, how in this instance her team, overcame the problem.

3: Providing care when significant cognitive change is involved

Cognitive change can present a challenge for care on a number of levels: from patient acceptance of interventions through to implications for establishing mental capacity. Phillippa Sharpe, Specialist Occupational Therapist at Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, will explore an example in which issues of this nature arose and the various considerations and actions that they and their team took to provide appropriate care.

View speaker biographies

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A workshop is a brief, intensive educational program focussing on techniques and skills delivered to a relatively small group of people. Workshops are usually delivered face to face, but with careful planning could be online. The features of a workshop are that they:

  • pass on knowledge and instruction around a specific skill set
  • provide significant real time opportunities for participants to practice the skills being taught
  • wherever possible will have some form of formal accreditation for the skills being passed on.

We use our MND Association workshops support when a key skill deficit has been identified and it is appropriate for the Association to make a response. The aim, as with all of our education provision, is to supplement existing health and social care training with MND-specific content to enhance professionals’ understanding of the disease and how to provide the best possible support. In a workshop this enhancement is very practical with clear links to practice.

Workshop: Posture Management and effective use of orthotics for people living with MND - Various dates and locations

Posture management and orthotics can help with many symptoms experienced by people living with MND – helping to improve quality of life and maintain dignity. They can support the maintenance of activities of daily living, and assist with mobility and comfort, but are also an important part of solutions for respiratory issues and secretion management. This workshop will introduce you to the various ways in which your patients can be assisted and give you an opportunity to get hands on with equipment.

Dates and locations: 

19 November 2024: Salford Community Stadium, 1 Stadium Way, Barton-upon-Irwell, Salford, Greater Manchester, M30 7EY (Sat nav M30 7LJ) 
Time: 09:30am – 3:45pm (registration and coffee from 09:00am)
Cost: £50.00 (View Events Cancellation Policy)

Aim: To introduce non specialist members of the MDT to principles of posture management, common problems experienced by people living with MND, and equipment and orthotic solutions.  

By the end of the one-day session, participants will:

  • be able to recognise and describe common presenting posture problems in MND that could benefit from intervention
  • be able to recognise and describe common presenting muscular skeletal problems in MND that could benefit from intervention
  • have been introduced to adaptations and equipment solutions which provide support, comfort and have potential to improve quality of life for identified postural issues in MND
  • have been introduced to orthoses solutions which provide support, comfort and have potential to improve quality of life for identified limb issues in MND
  • know where and how to access expertise to support with equipment/orthotic interventions
  • have had an opportunity to explore case studies and through knowledge application and discussion identify the presenting problems and the appropriate action to take. 
Outline of the sessions:

An exploration of common presenting posture and muscular skeletal problems, and their effects, in MND: In this session you will explore common symptoms of MND which have potential for improvement with adjustments to positioning and external limb support.

Assessing posture and possible equipment solutions: In this interactive session you will be introduced to the commonly used posture assessments, equipment solutions for identified issues and their effective use. There will be practical demonstrations of the assessments and an opportunity for you to get hands on with potential equipment solutions.

Orthotic solutions for neuro, muscular and skeletal symptoms in MND: In this interactive session you will be introduced to various orthoses including splints, collars, braces and supports used to help with weakness, spasm and spasticity in people living with MND. There will be practical demonstrations of the orthoses and an opportunity for you to examine and get hands on with them.

Panel discussion - Case studies: In this exploratory session you will be provided with case studies. As a group (or in groups) you will have an opportunity to consider and discuss each patient and, using what you have learned, to come to a conclusion about what you believe to be the presenting problems for each and possible action. The consideration of each case will be supported through interaction with presenters from throughout the day who will explore the issues and considerations further and answer any questions.

View programme

View facilitator biographies

Book your place - Salford (19 November)

Competency Sessions

A Competency Session provides tuition by an expert, or experts, delivered to an audience of health and social care professionals with a desire to build proficiency, knowledge and ability  in a defined area of practice, to then implement and develop skills.

They may be delivered face to face or online depending on the subject matter. Wherever possible, they are accredited by the CPD Accreditation Service and a relevant professional organisation.

The features of a competency builder are that they:

  • have a running time up to a full day, dependent upon the subject matter   
  • are taught by an expert that has achieved mastery of the competency 
  • may have a clearly defined practical element to them
  • provide an opportunity for participants to interact with and learn from each other
  • include the provision of a reference list of further reading and resources to support ongoing learning.  

We use our MND Association Competency Sessionss to respond to significant expressed or identified needs. The aim, as with all our education provision, is to supplement existing health and social care training with MND-specific content to enhance professionals’ understanding of the disease and how to provide the best possible support. In a Competency Session, this enhancement is at an advanced level.

MND: Understanding genetics, genetic testing and counselling, and how to talk about them effectively with the people in your care - various dates

Dates – these one-day events will be held online via Zoom: 

  • 10 September 2024
  • 23 September 2024

Time: 09:30 – 4:00 pm Registration open from 9.15 am
Cost: £50 (View events cancellation policy)

Aim: To support health and social care professionals to understand the process of genetic testing in MND, and the potential impact of it.

By the end of the one-day session, participants will:

  • have an understanding of what genetic testing is
  • have an understanding of the genetics of MND
  • appreciate the possible implications of undergoing diagnostic genetic testing for the person with MND and their family
  • be familiar with the issues of informed consent ahead of diagnostic genetic testing
  • recognise the issue of timing in relation to discussions about diagnostic genetic testing and options including DNA storage
  • understand the role of genetic counselling in MND and when a referral to genetic services may be indicated
  • appreciate the options for family members when a gene change associated with MND has been found in a parent or sibling
  • understand what a diagnostic genetic test in MND is
  • understand what predictive genetic test in MND is and be familiar with the predictive test process
  • appreciate the different motivations people may have in choosing to have or not have a predictive test
  • feel more confident holding conversations about the genetic aspects of MND with the people and families in their care
  • have heard from people with MND about their experiences of genetic testing and the decision-making process they went through.

View programme 


  • Dr Amina Chaouch, Clinical Lead for MND - Manchester Centre for Clinical Neurosciences at Salford Royal
  • Dr Rhona Macleod, Consultant Genetic Counsellor – Manchester Centre for Genomic Medicine

Booking link – 10 September 

Booking link – 23 September