To harness the hope within our community to speed up progress towards a world free from MND, the MND Association has committed to five Promises.

Launched in February 2022, these pledges give us a renewed focus to work faster and fight harder to strive for better – together with our community. Simply put, these Promises drive everything we do.

We won't rest until...

MND is treatable and ultimately curable

We are seeking new collaborative drug discovery and development projects, helping to fund and facilitate the research that is taking us ever closer to uncovering the causes of MND, effective treatments and ultimately a cure.

Everyone gets the care they need when they need it

Co-ordinated multi-disciplinary care is the very best way to ensure a person with MND has access to all the healthcare professionals they need, at the right time. 

Our 22 care networks across the country provide this. But not everyone with MND has access to the same level of support. That must change.

Every day with MND counts

For people with MND, technology can help life be the best it can. The MND Association Think Tank is working with tech giants from around the world to find solutions to real-life problems.

You are heard

If we shout louder and to the right people, things will change. If we all join together, we can’t be ignored.

No one faces MND alone

We will work to break down barriers that prevent people with and affected by MND from accessing the help and support they need.

Orange background with a blue thought bubble. 1 - MND is treatable and ultimately curable. 2 - Everyone gets the care they need when they need it. 3 - Every day with MND counts. 4 - You are heard. 5 - No one faces MND alone.

The MND community helped shape our Promises and they are helping us to deliver them. We have introduced new ways of collaborating with people affected by MND and volunteers so we can use their expertise, knowledge and skills. 

We are identifying new partners who are opening up their networks to us, broadening our reach and possibilities. We are gathering insight into the barriers we face in delivering our Promises – so we can face them head on. 

We are forging new relationships with people who are as passionate about making a difference as we are.

You can find out more about specific projects and get involved by searching #MNDPromises on social media.

Read our Promises