Make a difference in memory of your loved one

Thank you for thinking of donating in memory of someone special. We offer a number of ways to help you honour and celebrate your loved one, such as organising a collection, setting up a Tribute Fund or leaving a dedication on our memory wall. 

However you decide to remember your loved one, we're so grateful for your generosity and for supporting our fight against MND. 

Donate in memory

Ways to give in memory

Tribute Funds

A Tribute Fund is a special place online where you, your family and friends can remember your loved one, and raise money to fight MND in their name.

Collect donations

Remember and celebrate the life of someone special by using our collection envelopes at a funeral, memorial or celebration of life.

Fundraise in memory

Take part in a fundraising event or fundraise your own way. You could add the event to your Tribute Fund page.

Leave a gift in your Will

Leaving a gift in your Will to the MND Association in memory of your loved one is a powerful way to fight back against this disease.

Looking for Bereavement Support?

Prefer to speak to us?

If you have any questions about giving in memory, our Tribute Fund Team are here to help.

Email us: [email protected]

Call us: 01604 611799