We provide a loan service that can help with a limited range of equipment where it is not readily available from a statutory source.
Communication Aids and Voice Banking Equipment
We are able to provide the loan of a limited range of communication aids where these are not readily available from statutory services. We also provide the loan of equipment to enable people to complete voice banking.
Referrals for the loan of communication aids are needed from the speech and language therapist or other relevant health or social care professional.
Referrals can be made using the online form below to the Communication Aids Coordinator.
A printable version of the application form is also available that can be sent to the Communication Aids Coordinator.
We also consider providing a support grant for financial help towards other items of equipment.
The MND Association has a limited stock of equipment to loan. We are very reliant on all loaned equipment being returned when it is no longer required, to ensure all people with MND get the right equipment at the right time.
To arrange the return of loaned equipment, please complete our equipment collection request form.
Equipment Collection Request Form
If you're a health or social care professional looking for communications aid information please visit our AAC pages.
Suction Units
We provide the loan of suction units where these not readily available from a statutory source.
Referrals for suction unit loans are needed from the occupational therapist, speech and language therapist or other relevant health or social care professional.
Referrals can be made using the online form below to the MND Support Services Team.
Riser/Recliner Loan Service Northern Ireland
We also offer a Riser/Recliner armchair loan service for people living with MND in Northern Ireland.
Referrals for equipment loan are needed from the occupational therapist or other relevant health or social care professional.
NI Riser/Recliner Application Form.
Mind's Eye
Mind’s Eye is an artificial intelligence (AI) art tool developed for people living with MND. You can access Mind’s Eye free on Grid 3 or the Grid for iPad app. The MND Association may be able to help provide access to Mind's Eye through an iPad. Health and social care professionals can apply for help towards the cost of an iPad and the loan of a Grid for iPad license by completing the Mind's Eye application form.
Further support
If you'd like more information about these services or would like to discuss an application, please contact the Communication Aids Coordinator on 01604 611767 or via email

We are grateful for the support of the Ian Karten Charitable Trust through the provision of specialist equipment to support our equipment loan service as we become part of the Karten Network.