Donate now and join the fight against MND

A gift of £20 could help train an Association Visitor to give support to a person living with MND.

A gift of £50 could help fund MND Support Grants, giving a person with MND more independence.

A gift of £100 could allow us to step up our research, working towards a world free from MND

Your kind gift will help support research, care and awareness.

A gift of £10 a month for a year could fund a specialist app to help someone with MND continue to communicate.

A gift of £15 a month for a year could provide vital support information packs to 18 people newly diagnosed.

A gift of £25 a month for a year could fund lab equipment for 6 days' vital research to understand causes of MND.

Your kind gift will help support research, care and awareness.
Ways to pay
How we use your gift
Raised for every £1 spent on fundraising
Spent on improving care and support
Spent on funding and promoting research
Other ways to give
Pay in your fundraising monies
Pay in money from your sponsorship or fundraising event.
Leave a gift in your will
Help support our vision of a world free of MND with a legacy.
Give to a fightback fund
Fightback against MND. Give to an existing Fightbank Fund.
Other ways to support us online
You can support us through payroll giving or online shopping
Prefer to speak with us?
If you need help or advice on donating, we’re only a phone call or email away. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you need us:
Call us: 01604 611860 Email us: [email protected]