It is important that all our volunteers claim their expenses. We are keen to ensure that you are not disadvantaged financially while volunteering for us, whatever your circumstances.

Claiming expenses is also a way for us to assess the full costs of volunteering, which we can use if we are approached by funders for a project.

Out-of-pocket expenses can include, but are not limited to:

  • Mileage
  • Stationery and postage
  • Phone costs

Your expenses will be paid by your local branch or group. For any expenses relating to attending other events such as conferences etc, please check with your branch/group first. Where there is no branch or group, your expenses can be claimed from national office via your Area Support Coordinator (ASC)

Please use the claim form.  Receipts should be attached to the form and your claim authorised by the appropriate person, (branch treasurer or ASC).

Volunteer expenses policy

Volunteer expenses claim form