If you have discussed and agreed with your Area Support Coordinator to continue with face-to-face home visits, please take some time to read through our below guidance.

We know restrictions can affect quality of life for people affected by MND, but our priority is to continue to safeguard the health of the people with MND that we support, and our dedicated volunteers.

Whilst our preference is for support to be delivered remotely, we understand there may be circumstances whereby a face-to-face home visit is required.

We would ask that where a face-to-face meeting does take place, it has been agreed in advance with an Area Support Coordinator and that MND Association recommended safe behaviours are always followed.

We ask that you continue to use the home visits checklist ahead of a visit to agree the measures that will be in place to keep everyone safe.

Face-to-Face Volunteering

Where can I hold face-to-face meetings?

People with MND remain at the heart of all we do, and we have a duty of care to protect those attending events run in the name of the MND Association.   

Where it is not possible or practical to hold a face-to-face meeting virtually or outdoors, meetings can take place indoors, including attending a home visit for a person living with MND. Attention should be taken to ensure safe behaviours can be followed as well as government guidelines.  

Time indoors should be kept to a minimum, with windows and doors frequently opened for a period of 10 minutes at a time to provide ventilation and fresh air into the space. Don’t forget to complete a risk assessment if you are organising an indoor meeting that cannot take place virtually.

What do I need to consider when selecting a venue for an indoor meeting or event?

We've created a tool to help you assess potential venues – this includes the risks associated with Covid as well as accessibility requirements.

Venue checklist

How many people can attend a face-to-face meeting or event?

There are no limits on how many people can meet both indoors and outdoors.

All those attending any branch or group meetings indoor events should be aware of expected safe behaviours, and those organising such events should ensure to carry out a risk assessment.

Please refer to the government websites for the latest advice and ensure to check your government guidelines frequently as the restrictions may be subject to change depending on location.



Northern Ireland

Can I meet in a hospitality setting such as a coffee shop or restaurant?

Yes. However, when planning a meeting in a hospitality setting it is important to consider MND Association safe behaviours, particularly those associated with social distancing and ventilation and how practical it will be to follow these and whether any additional mitigation of the risks associated with the transmission of Covid will be required.

We ask that all meetings and events take place remotely either over the phone, via Teams or through Zoom. Only in exceptional circumstances should a face-to-face meeting go ahead, and we ask MND Association safe behaviours are followed at all times.

This should be detailed in the risk assessment created before the event takes place.