graphic containing quotes about inclusion

Our inclusion related work is designed to ensure that we can help as many people with and affected by MND as possible and that any and all barriers to participation are identified and removed.

We also have an overarching Inclusion Strategy and Inclusion Roadmap, all underpinned by a comprehensive programme of work, including...

Inclusion Learning Programme

Upcoming workshops

Introduction to trans awareness 7 September 10am to 3pm with a sixty minute mid-point break. Click here to find out more and book your place.

Introduction to disability awareness 6 September 9.30am to 1pm. Click here to find out more and book your place

Not sure if these are for you? Please email John Gillies-Wilkes.

The Inclusion Learning Programme is made up of a range of exciting and dynamic learning opportunities using different channels, mediums and approaches. It is open to both volunteers and Association staff and is refreshed each quarter. It covers all aspects of inclusion and currently comprises:

  • Why Inclusion matters
  • Disability Awareness
  • Accessibility (including the communications access initiative)
  • Trans Awareness
  • On being an active bystander
  • Conscious and unconscious bias
  • Active Listening

You can find out more about each element including what you will learn by visiting the Learning Lab.

Community Engagement

We reach out to different communities to let them know about our products and services, try to understand why they might be reluctant to engage with us, ensure that our services meet their needs and build relationships.

We are currently working with some of the most diverse areas in England, Wales & Northern Ireland, including London, Cardiff, Bradford, Birmingham, Liverpool and Manchester and we do need your help to extend our reach in these and other areas.

How you can get involved

Health and Social Care Inequalities

We try to understand if there are any particular inequalities faced by people with and affected by MND in relation to their gender, ethnicity or sexual orientation. We are currently focussing on our care centres and networks and MND specific community posts.

Review of products and services

Where we look at the way that we do things and identify what might stop certain communities engaging with us. So far we have looked at Care Information, MND Connect and Research Information. We would love to hear from you if you feel that any of our products or services are not particularly inclusive.

Email John for more information

Network groups

Created to help ensure that people from or allied to different communities who work, volunteer or who are otherwise part of the Association feel safe, supported and comfortable, have a voice and make a difference. They do this in three main ways:

  • Peer support
  • Promoting a better understanding and increasing the visibility of the community
  • Scrutinising policies, practices and procedures and raising concerns


The Pride Network is open to members, allies and friends of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer, Intersex and Asexual+ (LGBTQIA+) community.

Email the Pride Network Group 


The Embrace Network is open to members, allies and friends of the Black Asian and Minority Ethnic community.

Email the Embrace Network Group