18 February 2021 Research

The Burrow Seven Racing Club have extended their support for the Motor Neurone Disease (MND) Association with a second donation of £50,000 to fund MND research.
The unique fundraiser raised £50,000 within its first month, bringing the total value of donations for the MND Association to £100,000. All profits from the club are recorded in the Rob Burrow Fightback Fund.
The Burrow Seven fundraising campaign, which launched in November 2020, invited the public to become a member of an exclusive horse racing club to raise money for the MND Association. Members get to experience the drama and excitement of owning a very special thoroughbred racehorse, named Burrow Seven in honour of Rob Burrow, who is living with MND.
Jenn Dodd, Regional Fundraiser for the MND Association in Yorkshire, Humberside and the North East said:
“I am delighted to see the support for Burrow Seven gaining fantastic momentum and we are so grateful to receive this incredible donation.”
“We have heard recently about developments in MND research funded by the Association and it is only thanks to this kind of generosity that we can continue to fund world leading research which, we all hope, will lead to significant breakthroughs uncovering the causes and potential treatments for MND. We thank every one of the Burrow Seven members and supporters in joining us in our fight for a world free from MND.”
Rob Burrow said:
“I want to say a huge thank you to all of the Burrow Seven members who have helped raise £100,000 to help fight MND. It’s a great achievement. When Barrie first told me about the concept of the fundraising campaign I was really impressed by how original and fun it sounded. I never dreamed it could raise this money. I’ve chosen that all donations in my name will go directly into research to help one day find a cure for MND.”
Barrie McDermott, ambassador for the campaign, comments:
“Burrow Seven is the campaign that keeps on giving. This is our second big donation in three months and we hope there will be many more to come.”
Find out more about Burrow Seven Racing Club at www.burrowseven.com
Find out more about Fightback Funds
Top Picture: Rob Burrow stands with his parents Irene and Geoff in front of Burrow Seven (November 2020)
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