13 February 2023 Research
The MND Association is proud of our track record of funding talented women who have made vital contributions in furthering our understanding of MND.
Currently, more than half of MND Association-funded non-clinical fellows are women and more than 60% of our current PhD studentships are held by women.
Professor Janine Kirby, a neuroscientist leading research for the MND Association at Sheffield University and Sheffield Institute for Transitional Neuroscience (SITraN), says:
“I have always been surrounded by great female leaders and mentors, as well as fellow students, in science. I have found it a very open and accepting sector to work in. If I had to give my younger self any advice it would be to work hard, believe in yourself and open yourself up to new opportunities. That way things will come your way.”
Dr Caroline Vance, senior lecturer at King’s College and a leading authority in the study of MND and frontotemporal dementia, is also funded by the Association. She says:
“I have always been encouraged by great teachers and I want to see more women in senior positions in scientific institutions. Change is happening and life in academia is becoming more flexible than ever. Times have changed in that respect.”
Caroline offered some advice to young girls thinking about a career in science. She said:
“Put yourself forward for things, don’t wait to be asked. There’s nothing to stop you except yourself.”
Read more stories on our Research Blog
Research Blog - Recognising the importance of women in MND research - Part 1
Research Blog - Recognising the importance of women in MND research - Part 2
Hear from our female MND researchers