3 October 2023 News

34th International Symposium on ALS/MND

Preparations are well underway for the MND Association’s International Symposium on ALS/MND - the largest medical and scientific conference on the disease, which attracts delegates from across the world to share the latest advances in research and treatment.

This year’s event, held in Basel, Switzerland from 6-8 December 2023, will welcome leading international researchers and health and social care professionals to present and debate key innovations in their respective fields. The Symposium plays an important role in facilitating the exchange of exciting new knowledge and information as well as stimulating new ideas and partnerships.

The programme offers a mix of basic and clinical science, therapy development and clinical management. Delegates can also showcase their research work either by exhibiting a poster or giving a talk. Clinical trials, technology and telemedicine are among the sessions on offer. 

For the first time since 2019, the event will be held in-person. However unlike previous in-person Symposiums, the event this year will have a hybrid element with some sessions streamed live. This change will help ensure the event is as inclusive and accessible to the widest audience possible.

In another Symposium first, a number of early career researchers will become Social Communications Ambassadors bringing research news in non-scientific terms to our community and beyond. More information about our ambassadors will be shared on the Association’s Twitter account and research blog.

“We are excited to once again be meeting in person, to disseminate the latest findings and exchange new ideas. Some of the best conversations can happen during unscheduled periods. I often say the best science is discussed in the corridor, not the lecture hall. The Symposium helps stimulate new ways of thinking and helps foster international collaboration and partnership working, which is essential if we are to understand, treat and ultimately defeat this devastating disease. We are keen to encourage ALS/MND researchers and healthcare professionals to re-engage face-to-face after three years in the virtual world and look forward to a busy and productive meeting in Basel in December.”

Dr Brian Dickie MBE, Director of Research Development at the MND Association.

Find out more about the 34th International Symposium on ALS/MND. Registration is now open.