11 November 2022 Fundraising

While most of us enjoy a lie in on Sunday morning, our Patron Kevin Sinfield OBE will be pulling on his trainers at the start of his third epic challenge – Ultra 7 in 7 – raising money in the fight against MND.
Setting off from Murrayfield Stadium in Edinburgh, at 7am Kevin will be attempting to run seven ultra marathons in seven days, finishing at Old Trafford in Manchester, at half time in the men’s rugby league World Cup final on Saturday 19 November.
Inspired by his former Leeds Rhinos team mate and friend Rob Burrow, who was diagnosed with MND almost three years ago, Kevin has set his fundraising target at £777,777 in recognition of Rob’s playing number 7.
This is the final leg of rugby league legend Kevin’s trilogy of epic challenges to raise awareness and funds for those impacted by motor neurone disease.
His previous two challenges 7 in 7 and The Extra Mile have raised around £5 million to support research into treatments and a cure for the disease and the care provided to people with MND and their loved ones. Ultra 7 in 7 will see him running around 40 miles a day, cheered on at the start and finish by people with MND, local people and supporters from the rugby community.
“Undoubtedly this will be the toughest challenge yet. We have tried to combine elements of our two previous events to create the Ultra 7 in 7. People living with MND have no choice but to live with their condition every day and they are an inspiration for all of us taking part in the challenge.
“MND is not incurable, it has just been underfunded and I have belief that by raising funds we can give scientists and researchers the best possible opportunity to find that cure. We also need to help those living with MND, to give them hope and love so they know we are with them.”
Kevin Sinfield