19 September 2023 News

Mark O’Brien, 54, from Slip End, Bedfordshire will attempt the challenge in Denham Lake, South Hertfordshire on 24 September 2023, 18 months after being diagnosed with MND – a progressive, terminal illness which attacks the nerves that control movement.
If Mark completes the swim unaided and without stopping, he will break the Guinness World Record for the longest unaided open water swim by a person living with MND. It is expected to take Mark 4-5 hours to complete his challenge, but the time may be affected by weather conditions and Mark’s illness, on the day.
His children Lauren, David and Georgia will join him in the lake for the final stages of the swim. Mark will also have a supply of oxygen on hand to assist him if needed, and his coach Alex Walker and Denham regular open water swimmers will keep him company in the lake at various stages.
Mark is raising money for the MND Association – which provides vital support for people living with MND in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Mark’s fundraising will specifically support the Hertfordshire Branch, the Bedfordshire Group and the Association’s research programme. Should Mark exceed his target, he will be considering other counties to support.
Because of the physical progression of MND, this will be a huge challenge for me and it is my one-shot attempt. My respiratory system is affected by MND, and I also can experience sudden and unexpected muscle cramping which might affect my arms or legs at any time, making swimming even more of a challenge. MND also means you become more fatigued by activity, and again this can be unpredictable, so I am doing what I can to make sure I am fit and ready to go on the day.
I’ve experienced some really dark days since being diagnosed, but my children have been a tower of support alongside by mum, family friends and colleagues. By doing this challenge and how I am approaching living with the disease whatever time I have left in my life, I want to live in the most positive way. I hope I can inspire others who live with MND and the families and friends that support that the seemingly impossible, can be made possible. I want to show my children you should never give up.
Mark O'Brien
Mark’s training in the open water has seen him battle strong winds and cold days to prepare for all eventualities, and he is now tapering his training to prepare for the big day.
Thank you so much Mark for your initiative, courage and determination to undertake this open water swim, in support of everyone and their families in Hertfordshire that are facing the extreme challenges of living with MND. In creating this unique athletic event and fundraiser, your personal commitment will create immediate life enhancing support for hundreds of people.
Kent Allen, Chair of the MND Association's Hertfordshire Branch
Mark O'Brien is fundraising for the Motor Neurone Disease Association.
Visit Mark’s Just Giving page
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