13 October 2022 News

MND was spotlighted on one of London’s most iconic landmarks with the BT Communications Tower featuring the call ‘Let’s beat #MND together’. The tower stands at 189m tall and beams messages across the capital, celebrating key dates or raising awareness.
The display coincided with the latest meeting of the MND Association’s Next Generation Think Tank hosted by BT and including reps from Apple, Dell. Intel, Google, University College London, Vodafone, Rolls Royce, and the NHS.
The Think Tank was founded in 2019 by Rolls Royce employee Stuart Moss, whose father died of MND, in collaboration with the Association. It brings together some of the best-known technology companies in the world to create innovative ideas and solutions for people affected by MND.
“As a co-founder of the NextGen Think Tank I have seen the group evolve into an ecosystem of brilliant innovations, bringing together lived experience with experts to improve the quality of life for plwMND.
“As well as all the great work the think tank is doing to identify tech solutions to the challenges people with MND face, these kind of opportunities to raise awareness are invaluable – to see MND lit up on the world famous tower during the event makes me very proud of the dedication and commitment of the think tank members. Amazing!”
Nick Goldup, Director of Care Improvement at the MND Association
On the day, a group from BT’s apprentice scheme were challenged to head out into the capital with their cameras and capture images of the Tower. Their images were shared on social media sites including Twitter and LinkedIn, raising awareness in the business community. Here’s a selection of their photos.