26 November 2020 News

In a scene reminiscent of households across the country, three children surrounded by paints, pens and crayons are designing Christmas cards for their family.
But for Macy (8), Maya (5) and one-year-old Jackson Burrow these cards are extra special. Their Christmas designs will be sold to raise money for the Motor Neurone Disease Association, inspired by their Dad, rugby league star Rob, who is living with the disease.
The idea to create a set of Christmas cards designed by the young Burrows was fast-tracked thanks to support from the Leeds Rhinos Foundation and a printing firm local to the family, AB Printing Group Ltd.
Due to overwhelming popularity, the cards have now sold out and are no longer available to purchase.
Rob’s wife Lindsey said:
“The kids loved getting creative – and making a mess! As a family living with MND we know first hand how vital it is to raise awareness of this devastating disease. I think the cards are a brilliant idea and it was great to get the kids involved.”
The children enjoyed getting creative with Rob keeping a watchful eye over their fun.
Macy said:
“It was great fun making the cards for the MND Association. I wanted my card to be colourful and bright, as Christmas is a time of happiness and joy.”
Maya thought hard about her design. She said:
“I did a Santa on my card. I like Santa because he brings us lots of presents.”
Money raised from the sale of cards will be recorded in Rob’s Fightback Fund
Find out more about Fightback funds
Article updated: 29/11/2021