At the MND Association we run almost 150 different support groups across England, Wales and Northern Ireland on a regular basis. The majority are run as face-to-face groups with the remainder taking place online. 

Some online support groups are aimed at individuals in specific local areas, for example in a local Branch or Group area. For details of online support groups in your local area use the search tool to visit your local Branch or Group page.

The online support groups listed below are open to individuals in wider geographical areas as indicated by the headers. Contact details are provided for each group, if you have any questions please get in touch with the named contact. 

List of online support groups

Open across England, Wales and Northern Ireland

Black Indigenous and People of Colour MND Support Group

A support group to ensure that those affected by MND have a dedicated space to connect, share experiences, and support one another. Open to people living with MND and carers welcome

Takes place on the third Tuesday of the month from 12 noon-1pm starting 15th April

For more information contact Abigail Igbokwe


Evening monthly carers group 

A virtual cuppa and friendly chat with other carers of people living with MND 

Takes place on the last Wednesday of the month from 6.30pm

For more information contact Abigail Igbokwe or Charlotte Stanford-Gibbs


PMA-PLS support group

For people living with Progressive Muscular Atrophy (PMA) and PLS (Primary Lateral Sclerosis) both of which are less common forms of MND

Takes place on the second Monday of the month from 5pm-6pm 

For more information contact MND Connect


Toferson treatment support group

For people living with MND who have the SOD1 gene and are on the Tofersen treatment. A peer-to-peer support group offering an opportunity to share ideas and experiences.

We meet via zoom once a month, times vary so we can suit as many people as we can

For more information and upcoming dates contact Alli Anthony


Tracheostomy support group 

For carers of people living with MND who have had a tracheostomy. A peer-to-peer support group offering an opportunity to share ideas and experiences

Timing alternates between evening and day time

For more information and upcoming dates contact Lisa Burnard


Veterans support group 

For military veterans who are living with MND. An opportunity to share your experiences and common interests

Takes place on fourth Wednesday of the month from 2.30-3.30pm 

For more information contact Grace Kay


Open across England

Let's Talk Continuing Healthcare (CHC)

A peer support group for people living with and affected by MND, Association volunteers and Health and Social Care Professionals wanting to understand more about CHC funding processes or are facing problems with an existing care package. 

Takes place every six weeks on Mondays from 11am

For upcoming dates and further information contact Anne Anderson

Open across the Devolved Nations (Northern Ireland, Wales and Isle of Man)

Cuppa and Chat (Northern Ireland) 

An informal online gathering for people living with and affected by MND in Northern Ireland

For upcoming dates and further information contact Louise Hughes


All Wales Virtual Support Group

For people living with and affected by MND in Wales

For upcoming dates and further information contact Jo Cunnah or Sarah Lowther 


All Wales Past Carers Group

For bereaved carers of loved ones with MND in Wales

For upcoming dates and further information contact Sarah Lowther or Jo Cunnah 

Open across the South East region (England)

These groups are open to individuals living in the following geographical areas:


  • Hampshire, Isle of Wight and Jersey
  • East and West Sussex
  • Kent
  • South, East and North London
  • Surrey and South West London
  • Hertfordshire and Essex
  • East Anglia


Recently Diagnosed Group

Open discussion for people recently diagnosed with MND and their loved ones

Takes place on the third Friday of the month from 2.00-3.00pm (please note their will be no meeting in April due to Bank Holiday)

For more information contact Lisa Burnard 


Tea, coffee & catch up peer to peer support group 

An informal peer-to-peer supoprt group offering an opportunity to share ideas and meet others living with and affected by MND.

Takes place on the third Tuesday of the month from 11.00am-12.30pm

For upcoming dates and more information contact Liz Cooper


Online group for carers (daytime)

A virtual cuppa and friendly chat with other carers of people living with MND

Takes place on the first Tuesday of the month from 11am-Noon

For more information contact Lisa Burnard or Kathryn Parkin


Open across the Central and West region (England)

These groups are open to individuals living in the following geographical areas:

  • Devon and Cornwall
  • Somerset and Dorset
  • Bristol and West (including Gloucestershire and Wiltshire)
  • West Midlands South
  • West Midlands North
  • Thames Valley
  • Central Midlands
  • East Midlands

Recently Diagnosed Group 

An informal online peer-to-peer support group lead by staff members, this is open to anyone in the region diagnosed with MND within the last 12 months. It comprises three sessions, one per month over a three month period. Dates for the next group are as follows: 

Monday 14th April 2-3pm 2025

Monday 12th May 2-3pm 

Monday 9th June 2-3pm

To register your interest or for more details please contact Andy Graham or Marianne Grant. Cut off date for registering interest in the group starting in April is the end of the day on Monday 7th April 2025