Gaining a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms of the faulty TDP-43 and FUS proteins and how they might drive the disease.

PhD Student: Samuel Bryce-Smith
Principal Investigator: Prof Pietro Fratta
Lead Institution: University College London
MND Association Funding: £125,400*
Funding dates: November 2019 - July 2024
*Supported by The Masonic Charitable Foundation PhD Studentship
About the project
Correct processing of RNA (molecules that carry information to make proteins from DNA) is crucial for survival. Proteins called TDP-43 and FUS are important for the processing of RNA. This project will help understand how changes in TDP-43 and FUS impact on motor neuron RNA and survival. Molecular changes occurring in early stages of disease can be identified using RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq) technology. This knowledge will be invaluable for developing effective therapeutics and the project will allow application of cutting-edge technology to numerous MND mouse and human cell models.
What could this mean for MND research?
This project will contribute to understanding how changes in TDP-43 and FUS impact on motor neuron RNA and survival. The results of this could provide invaluable knowledge for the development of new therapies for MND and provide further insights into changes occurring during the early stages of disease.
Project code: 893-792