The Motor Neurone Disease Association employs staff with the expertise, skills and knowledge needed to deliver the broad range of our work in research, campaigning and supporting the care of people affected by MND. That also includes staff in support roles such as finance, fundraising, marketing, human resources and ICT. 

With our five ambitious Promises to deliver alongside our community, it is vital we pay a fair and appropriate salary. By doing that we can attract and keep the best people with the right values, skills and experience. In our commitment to openness, and in line with best practice, we publicly disclose the following information on senior staff salaries. 

How our executive pay is governed

The Remuneration Committee (a sub committee of our Board made up of volunteer trustees) oversees the remuneration packages of members of the executive team. The Committee ensures they are appropriate and communicated to our members and the wider public in line with good practice. This includes the initial setting and annual review of the salary and other benefits of the Chief Executive Officer. 

To do this the Committee benchmarks against similar roles in other charities, ensures we remain competitive so we attract the best people we can while, of course, considering prudent use of our limited resources as a charity which relies on the generosity of our supporters.

Salary bands - Executive Leadership Team

The Association’s Executive Leadership Team comprises the Chief Executive and six Directors overseeing specific areas of work. 

In 2025, their salaries sit within bands as follows: 

3 Directors £90,000 to £99,999
3 Directors £100,000 to £109,999
1 Director £140,000 to £149,999