Everyone with MND should be able to live in a safe and accessible home, without long delays and high costs.

Timely home adaptations are vital to ensuring that people with MND can live safely, independently and with dignity in their own homes in the time they have left to live.

However, many people with MND are trapped in inaccessible homes because councils are failing to provide sufficient support. Some have died waiting for adaptations. This must change now.

What needs to change?

Our Act to Adapt campaign calls on councils to use their discretionary powers to ensure that they are meeting the needs of people living with MND in relation to accessible housing.

We recommend that councils learn from existing good practice and make improvements to the support they provide by:

  • Introducing a fast-track process for people with MND
  • Removing financial assessments for Disabled Facilities Grants 
  • Maintaining a register of accessible homes for people to move into

Ultimately, the UK Government must scrap means testing for housing adaptations and ensure everyone has access to housing that meets their needs.

Talk to your MP

As a starting point, we are calling for a consultation on increasing the upper limit of a Disabled Facilities Grant, as one of our key asks of the new UK Government.

If you’d like to reach out to your MP and request a meeting to discuss our Act to Adapt campaign, please get in touch with us on [email protected] or 02038758910.


Get involved locally

Join us as a Campaigns Volunteer and use our resources to launch your own local campaign and work with your council to make improvements locally. 


Read and download our resources below. 

Join our Campaign Network

Sign up to the MND Association's Campaign Network for details about our campaigns and how you can get involved. Whether it's signing a petition, writing a letter or speaking to your local politician - you decide how much time and commitment you spend on campaigning.

Join the Campaign Network